2016年7月19日 星期二

Stitching Chinese knot on the Hakka bag

Not long ago, Teacher Vivine taught students to stitch bags from the Hakka fabric which are used to pack chopsticks. (Reference: https://ecodaping.blogspot.tw/2016/06/chopstick.html)
  These semi-finished goods made by students will supply to U.S. teachers to complete. I hope it will become the significant cultural gift for the partnership teachers from America  on July 13, 2016.

Teacher Vivine demonstrates how to stitch a Chinese knot on the bag.
The significant Hakka cultural gift.
感謝新竹市的Vivine Shyu老師在此之前花了很多時間指導大坪的孩子縫製「客家花布袋」半成品,也感謝羅主任幫忙指導孩子完成許多中國結,讓這一天的體驗課程充滿臺灣味與客家風。

Teacher Vivine demonstrates how to stitch a Chinese knot on the bag.
Teacher Vivine demonstrates how to stitch a Chinese knot on the bag.
Teacher Vivine demonstrates how to stitch a Chinese knot on the bag.
On this day, Teacher Vivine demonstrates how to stitch a Chinese knot on the bag. We could see that no matter you are a men or women, you will love and enjoy the experience lesson.

Teacher Vivine demonstrates how to stitch a Chinese knot on the bag.
 You will love and enjoy the experience lesson.
 You will love and enjoy the experience lesson.
 You will love and enjoy the experience lesson.
 You will love and enjoy the experience lesson.
 You will love and enjoy the experience lesson.
 You will love and enjoy the experience lesson.
So I think it is also a topic of gender equality. By the way, those Chinese knots were tied by students and Teacher Lo, the director of educational affairs division.(105-07-19,大坪國小)

No matter you are a men or women, you will love it!
No matter you are a men or women, you will love it!
No matter you are a men or women, you will love it!
No matter you are a men or women, you will love it!
The significant Hakka cultural gift.


