2016年7月19日 星期二

Signing on the World Map drawn by students

The world map is drawn by children and teachers. In the start, children draw crisscross grids on the wall. Then they outline each continent and each country on earth. The next step is to color each country (Reference: https://ecodaping.blogspot.tw/2015/12/blog-post.html). Finally, we stamp our palm and foot prints on the wall. I really appreciate my coworker, Teacher Liu, who is the artistic director for the world map. We give the map a name: “Keep the world in Daping”. By the way, the maps of Taiwan and Miaoli County are drawn by me.

Signing on the World Map drawn by students

Video: https://youtu.be/MexWkrwvmBw
Teacher Liu is the artistic director for the world map.
Teacher Liu is the artistic director for the world map.
There is a secret behind the map. The wall is magnetic, thus the flash cards could be attached on the map. Therefore we take the map wall as a GIS (Geographic Information System) which doesn’t need any electricity. (Reference: https://ecodaping.blogspot.tw/2016/07/gis-on-wall.html)

Signing on the World Map drawn by students
Signing on the World Map drawn by students
Signing on the World Map drawn by students
Signing on the World Map drawn by students
For example: The Leopard Cat is endangered species in Taiwan. We could teach children about their distribution in Taiwan and Miaoli County on the big GIS map.

The wall is magnetic thus the flash cards could be attached on the map.
The distribution of Leopard Cat in Taiwan and Miaoli County on the big GIS map.
Similarly, we could mark the location of each eco-campus partner school on the world map. So, I sincerely invite the “US-Taiwan Campus Partner Delegation” teachers to sign their name on the map on July 13, 2016. It’s really a veritable “Keep the world in Daping”. (105-07-18,大坪國小)

Signing on the World Map drawn by students
Signing on the World Map drawn by students
Signing on the World Map drawn by students
Keep the world in Daping


